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Eating Disorder & Addiction Specialists Counselling for addictions, eating disorders & compulsive behaviour
Chelsea & Harley Street, central London

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Anorexia Nervosa

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with your body and the food you eat? Do you feel compelled to eat less, skip meals, and constantly obsess about your weight? Do you feel over weight even though everyone tells you that you are quite the opposite? Are you wracked with shame and guilt, hiding your behaviour from others, worried they might find out?

You’re not alone. Acknowledging that you have an issue is the first step. Together, we can help you recognise and change your negative body image and eating patterns.

Anorexia nervosa is a condition where sufferers aim to keep their body weight as low as they can. To achieve this, they refrain from eating enough to sustain their basic bodily needs or by excessively exercising - or both.

Anorexia is a dangerous mental health condition that makes people extremely ill as they begin to starve their bodies. Anorexics often experience a distorted image of their own body - believing that they're fat even though they can be dangerously underweight.

Both men and women can experience anorexia, and it can be triggered at any age. However, the condition is most common in young women; typically beginning during their mid-teens.

The symptoms of anorexia

There are a wide range of symptoms and signs that somebody may be suffering from anorexia. These can include:

  • For under 18s, a lower-than-expected weight and height
  • For adults an unusually low BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Eating tiny amounts or missing meals completely.
  • Avoiding food perceived to be fattening

  • The belief that a person is overweight when they are clearly underweight
  • Using medicines to suppress hunger
  • Infrequent or ceased menstruation
  • Frequent light-headedness or dizziness
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin

Some anorexia sufferers induce vomiting, follow punishing workout regimes, or use laxatives and diuretics to prevent weight gain from any food they do consume. Other signs that somebody may be suffering from or are at risk from potential anorexia are body weight obsessions or an unrelenting preoccupation regarding one’s body shape/image

Anorexia Nervosa. tape-measure

What causes anorexia?

The NHS consider eating disorders to be principally mental health conditions and most treatments for anorexia focus on therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and counselling.

Treatments for eating disorders explore emotional pain and difficulties with personal relationships emerging from past trauma or experiences of abuse. Internalised family issues can often be root causes and triggers for anorexia sufferers.

Anorexics tend to have food fixations. They may cook generously for other people, but are unlikely to eat the food themselves. While the precise cause of anorexia will vary wildly from person-to-person, people are considered to be at risk of the condition in the following circumstances:

  • There’s a family history of eating disorders, alcohol/drug addiction, or depression
  • They have experienced criticism for their body shape/weight or their eating habits
  • They are obsessed with being slim - especially as a result of perceived professional or societal pressure (ballet dancers, models, athletes, etc.)

  • They experience low self-esteem or anxiety
  • They present an obsessive or perfectionist personality
  • They have been sexually abused

What are the health risks associated with anorexia?

Anorexia over the long-term can lead to severe health issues associated with malnutrition. However, with treatment, these problems can be reversed.

The potential complications caused by malnutrition can include:

  • Muscular and skeletal problems - including bone conditions such as osteoporosis.
  • Fatigue and physical weakness
  • Fertility issues
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Heart problems and issues with the blood vessels - including bad circulation, irregular heartbeat, heart valve disease, low blood pressure, and even heart failure.

  • Swelling in the face, feet, or hands (known as oedema)
  • Brain and nerve issues - including seizures
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Bowel and kidney conditions
  • Anaemia or a weak immune system

Anorexia is a life-threatening condition and is one of the most frequent causes of death in persons with mental health conditions.

Anorexia Nervosa. orthorexia


Orthorexia is a fixation on healthy eating, mainly focusing on the purity or quality of the food they consume. The condition isn't officially considered to be an eating disorder but can lead to the types of obsessive behaviours related to anorexia and bulimia.

Orthorexia is becoming more prevalent and is often attributed to inexpert advice from unqualified healthy eating bloggers. While healthy eating is generally considered a positive pursuit, some people are putting their lives at risk by crash dieting and obsessing over the health properties of certain foods.

Expert help is at hand

Eating Disorder & Addiction Specialists work with highly trained professionals available to support, encourage and provide the treatment options that best match each unique individual.

For help with overcoming anorexia or other eating disorders you can reach us by phone on 0333 339 2430 at any time, or contact us by email to discuss any questions about addiction recovery therapy.

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“....we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.”
Carl Gustav Jung

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